(The map is below 地図は下)
It rained from the previous day, it became easy to slide.
There was a lot of water in the river,
the water was cloudy and water was flowing with loud noises.
Because of the rain, few tourists,
so I was able to enjoy crossing the bridge slowly.
I also went to the nearby “Waterfall of Biwa”.
I also found a small shrine near the bridge, so I prayed.
In a nearby cafe, I heard that the titsmen ride on the palm and eat bait,
but because they still were young, they did not come.
The green of the mountain was very beautiful because of the rain.
I also went to the majestic “Hinoji shaped valley”.
This is a two star Michelin Green Guide.
“Two stars” means that it is worth taking a long way if you are nearby.
In the bowl of the Manneken Piss (The stature of a Tinkle Boy)
I tried to go to the bronze statue.
But it was very dangerous and I was stopped from around.
It seems that people used to be tired here before. Therefore,
I heard that there is an image here.
私は、近くの「琵琶の滝(Waterfall of Biwa)」にも行きました。橋の近くにある小さな神社も見つけたので、お祈りをしました。
近くのカフェでは、シジュウガラが手のひらに乗って餌を食べると聞きましたが、 まだシジュウガラが幼かったので来てくれませんでした。
雄大な「ひの字渓谷(Hinoji shaped valley)」にも行きました。 ここは、ミシュラン・グリーンガイドで二つ星です。
小便小僧の銅像(THe stature if a Tinkle Boy)で私は銅像のところへ行こうとしました。
でも非常に危険なため、周りから止められました。 以前はここで人々は肝だめしをしたそうです。 だから、ここに像があると聞きました。